If you need a car for your small business or to produce an income Great Home Loans can assist you in finding the right car commercial hire purchase to suit your needs. There may even be tax benefits if you use the vehicle to produce an assessable income, but you will need to speak to your accountant about your specific personal circumstances.
You won't have to tie up your important day to day cash flow as you get to decide the length of commercial hire purchase lease term you need from 1 to 5 years (12 to 60 months) and you have the flexibility to repay the contract in full before the term ends (early termination fees apply). The rate is fixed for the entire term of the loan so you know exactly what the repayments will be throughout the term.
You can arrange a balloon payment at the end of the loan to reduce the monthly payments throughout the term of the contract.
You can elect to place a deposit by either trade equity or cash. 100% Financing availability if you are approved. All applications are subject to lending criteria.
Great Home Loans is an accredited mortgage broker with the largest finance aggregation group in Australia and hold all the relevant licences with regards to running a mortgage broking business. We have serviced many customers with their financial requirements and have received only praise for our service.
We specialise in car commercial hire purchase, and we have access to lenders that enables us to structure your loan to achieve the best possible outcome. We also specialise in loans for the self-employed.
At Great Home Loans we have great people, great products and exceptional service, and we're waiting to call you to discuss your car commercial hire purchase options!
Please fill in this simple form to send us information about your needs and one of our consultants will call you and, subject to lending criteria, give you a repayment amount.